Holy Sepulchre Chapel
Holy Sepulchre Chapel

Officers of Ye Chapel

Chapel Committee 2024-2025
Sir Emory of Cullman
Sir James of Fairhope
Sir Sydney of Salem
Sir Brian of Elmore
Sir Brian of Newport, Prov.G.Cel.
Sir Michael of Huntsville
Sir Jason of Winchester
Sir Andre Ernest Lovas, K.H., P.G.M., P.G.Prec. (USA)
Worthy MasterSir Emory of Cullman
Emory J. (Smokey) Ferguson
Eminent PriorSir James of Fairhope
James C. McGee
MarshalSir Sidney of Salem
Sidney R. Cooley Sr.
TreasurerSir Brian of Elmore
Brian K. Autrey
SecretarySir Brian of Newport
Brian P. McDonald
Deputy MarshalSir Xerxes of Macedonia
Xerxes Z. Herrington
AlmonerSir Robert of Brewton
Robert A. Mayer
1st Working KnightSir Gary of Oxford
Gary B. Jones
2nd Working KnightSir Johnny of Pascagoula
Johnny W. Strickland
3rd Working KnightSir Bobby of Pike Road
Bobby K. Jordan
4th Working KnightSir Thomas of Guilford
Thomas H. Nesbit
HeraldSir John of Flint River Valley
John C. Meyers
OrganistSir Daniel of Auburn
Daniel W. Robinson
DoorkeeperSir Allen of Florence
P. Allen McGee
1st CellarerSir Jason of Winchester
Jason A. Crowe
2nd CellarerSir Lane of Hattiesburg
R. Lane Dossett
3rd CellarerSir Michael of Huntsville
Michael F. Feld
4th CellarerSir Mark of Salem
A. Mark Stillwell
SentrySir Michael of Remlap
J. Michael Taylor

Past Worthy Masters:

Primus Master
André E. Lovas
Sir André of Byron, K.H., P.G.M., P.G.Prec. (USA)